
Tim Hancock

Client: Timothy Hancock           Profession: Publisher Of Deluxe Version Magazine

As a former fashion photographer and creative asset for several high-end clients over the past 12 years, Timothy Hancock has been given incredible insight to lead in the magazine industry. This brand he built at Deluxe Version Magazine is a dream come true for a handful of like-minded luxury collaborators. It is his honor to work with brilliant leaders every day and produce to a magazine that promotes the purveyors in finer living, art, fashion, and luxury. Hancock won “Top 30 Under 30” people of Las Vegas in 2017 at XS Nightclub inside the Wynn for his outstanding community leadership. He has an army of friends that support Deluxe Version Magazine as their platform of choice or an outlet for their creative visions. Those who work closely with Hancock know the access he provides to collaborate amongst influential people across the country. Deluxe Version Magazine is available in all Whole Foods locations in Las Vegas.

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